Monday, January 02, 2006

Monday, Monday

So, apparently, the big boss man forgot to inform me that today is a Holiday.


It's freaking January 2. NOT the first. NOTChristmas. NOT My Birthday (it's on Presidents' day this year, so enjoy your day off, bitches!).

No.. It's the SECOND DAY of January.

Now, excuse me if it's your birthday or something, but I didn't know we got to take an entire day off, just because new years day fell on a weekend and people just couldn't bare to come back to work the next day.

Pu-lease. You had an entire day YESTERDAY to nurse your hangovers.

So... maybe i'm just really excited because I haven't worked for three weeks straight and am rearin' to go.
And rearin' I am, because I'm the only one in the office today, so I'm able to get a lot done, and nobody's callin.

I'd like to be anywhere but home today. Stupid laying around the bed for so long has jaded me, and now i'm anti-bed.

Sorry future boy toys... we're going to have to find a new place to do the deed!
Ok.. that was innapropriate.

But laugh moment of the day... and I knew one day, this would happen... but I have a rollerchair here at work.

I stand up a lot, move around often... i'm always multi-tasking about three chores at a time.
Today, i did such that i missed the chair completely and feel smack on my ass... VERY WHITE, short skirt and all.

Laughed a bit. Pretty glad no one was around to see it, though I would have glowed at the chance to make someone smile/laugh.

Can you say chi-to-the-pol-to-the tle???

That's where i'm heading. More interesting stuff later...
[btw.. grandpa is gggggggreat. thanks for good thots if you sent 'em].


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