Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Clock is Ticking...

How is it that Gwyneth seemed to only be preggo for about three months (with Moses Martin, born Apr. 8) and Katie Cruise and Gwen Stefani are taking nearly 17 years to pop out their god damn children!?

Jesus. Have you kids already!
Or you know, just stay out of the spotlight so much so that we don't have to wait so long for your babies to arrive.

Chris, Gwenyth and Apple came into Zaidey's downtown right around my birthday (Feb. 20) and my boy waited on them...
She's all beautiful, glowy and gracious and 8 1/2 months pregnant?! I thought she may have been pushing about 5 months then. That's insane.

Big fat thanks to the Martins for being so 'normal' in celebrityville and esp. for the sweet drawings you left at your table that are now in my kitchen :-)

Chris draws a mean pumpkin, and little Apple has little, little hands.


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