Monday, March 27, 2006

Man, That Really GRINDS MY GEARS.

I'm not in particularly groucho mood today, but Man, l have got to tell you... not only is that the worst fucking sweater i have ever seen (IT"S A COSBY SWEATAH!), I'm sure noticing a hell-ov-a-lot of things around me that are either mildly confusing, annoying or just really Grind My Gears.

So rather than repeat, "You know what really grinds my gears? It really grinds my gears when..." we're going to intertwine each of the below annoyances into a multiple choice quiz, so there's at least something fun about all of these overtly obnoxious things:

1. I incurred a raging stomache ache Thursday/Friday, seemingly healthy demeanore all weekend (Dragon Ramone and I even jumped on the trampoline), and now, last night... A las, I am sick to my stomach again.

"Remember when I ate those Toquitos and threw up all over the grocery store?"
"Ugh! I Hate Throwing up in Public."
"Ah! Me, Too!"

This Quote is from:

A: The Truth About Cats and Dogs
B: Romy And Michelle's High School Reunion
C: Mean Girls
D: Wayne's World

2. Did you know that country music really is really terrible and that people in South Dakota really do listen to it all hours of the day? No, really!

Did you also know that a bunch of pretty awesome mainstream tunes have been made into country songs and kicky country stations play them about four times a day, every day, during the given hours of 8am - 5pm (Maybe that's where my stomach ache is coming from).

Which of the following does not make my ears bleed and heart sink every 2-3 hours?

A: Verticle Horizon's "Best I Ever Had" by some country Dude.
B: Ryan Adam's "When the Stars Go Blue" by some country Dude.
C: Dave Matthew's "Crash Into Me" by some Country Dude.
D: Bon Jovi's "It's Alright, S'Allright, S'Alright, S'Alright, S'Alright, S'Alright... Cause you Can't Go Home," By Bon Jovi.

3. So, I have very generous aunts and uncles. While I was out to dinner with Aunt #1 (celebrating my birthday over Tirimisu last night), Aunt #7 and her boys dropped over two really cool lamps that just didn't fit in their house with their decore. I liked them, so I figured I could work them into my new abode.

Too bad my room has a closet on every wall and i can't get it to work the right away.
What would you suggest?

A: Put the lamp somewhere else.
B: Just make it fit, you whiney bitch.
C: Knock out a wall and make two bedrooms one. It'll fit then... Yeah...
D: Deal without. Christmas lights work fine.

Shortay for now... i'll be back with more later.
I need to meet my pepto quota for the day... urghhh...


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