Friday, March 10, 2006

Going Cuban.

I've decided to veer directly off the path of relaxed blues, greens, purples and browns (the sami norm) to make my little kitchen very... cuban cigar box. Bright Orange, tea-stained walls and wood-finished cabinets. It's gonna be hot!

I've just decided my bedroom is dedicated to Maynard (Brown, earthy-colored... with just a splash of green) and my kitchen is allllll Holiday. Wahoo!

Ok, enough queer eye.

I'm laughing because I've been railing on people for the last few weeks about how it's not YOUR, it's You're (or vice versa), and low and behold, this great guy with whom I went to High School (i think three grades ahead of me) e-mailed me today and pointed out that my Matty Nay Quote up top o' the blog is totally in the wrong context.

How did I miss that for an entire year +? That is so fag.

I think I'll have a new layout coming anyway... Or I'll just fix it.

Just goes to show that:
1. Most people just don't give a flying rats ass.
2. Don't notice those things.
3. That what bugs you most about people is, in fact, those things in which you do yourself.

(a gleaming example;

a friend called me today with news of a moochtastic relative...

"funny...," i thought. "you used to do that same thing to me...")

**Did ya'all know that Kirby Puckett Passed? SUCK!
**Anyone down for Salsa Dancing in my kitchen?

Biddy biddy bom bom (what movie is this from??? oh yeah...)

More interesting stuff coming soon...Honestly... I'd like to write something uber drama-filled... but alas, my life is drama free.

... and proud. :-)


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