Monday, January 09, 2006


So, i've spent every day save today IN my lovely bed with my lovely mom on the following cycle:

1. drink a liter of water.
2. try to get some form of nutrient down (yogurt, boost, watermellon, ice cream)
3. try not to swallow much because it hurts like a mofo
4. take some vicodin
5. pass out.

This is on a four hour cycle, meaning I've consumed roughly 28-32 VICODIN's in the last five days, the variance due to having to up my dosage, as one pill just isn't cutting it anymore.

10mg tablets, every four hours - that's some heavy shit... and i still have 2 refils (80 more pills) if so needed.

Today, I'd have to say, is the sorest, worst day - because new tissue from my throat is being exposed and all that grey mossy stuff sticking to my throat right now (i'm guessing) is choosing to clear away- and I tried to go into work today and wasn't having much luck.

I feel bad because i've been out of work for nearly a month now due to being sick, and now due to recovery (i think i just used the word "due" about 800 timse now, but that is due to me feeling horrendous due to the vicodin dose) that i feel bad because i keep getting asked left and right to get stuff done for work, and i'm not feeling capable - at all. Not because I don't want to ... but because I just can't, and vicodin is harsh, and being in the car makes me feel like i went on some nasty circus ride.

Fear thee not, my friends --- because there is lots of change coming, and as soon as this healing is all out of the way, i will be flying all up in your area with accomplishment and tasks finished, ready to help you to 1008% of my ability.

i hope this made sense. if not, i'll be back later, but i'm literally about to fall over --- stupid vicodin. can you believe it... i'm flippin sick of ice cream.

and i haven't pooped for a week. how's that? it's not great!

i'll probably loose about 30 lbs when i finally am able (which is when i'll finally not be taking serious pain killers anymore).

thank god for moms tho. at least mine. she rocks casbah. i wish she was still here... now i'm just glad i have my cats .


ANd i'm o---



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