Change is good.
Especially to buy the individual-sized of hot tomales i eat every day, or to get that 24 oz mexican mocha in the morning.
Man, it's a fun afternoon with Sami!!
And unlike the Hershey's Ad Campagne, I thing The Change in status quo is good, too.
Hell, i've never lived anywhere longer than a year since I turned 18 because I like to change up my surroundings ever-so-often.
Freshman Year: 7th Floor South; Sechrist Hall (1 week) - over to Mtn. View (Greek Dorm) for 5 hours (with all my stuff) - back to Sechrist (which is cool, because it was in Forrest Gump)
Sophomore Year: Shitty Apartment with Shitty Roomates... 6 months - Back Home for 8 months
Junior Year: North Morton Dorm - Haunted Floor with Cool ass Bitches
Senior Year: Apartment life with Suz (best year ever)
First Year on Own: Lakewood: nice apartment...
Second Year on Own: Highlands (love it) until March 06
Now: Owning a home... probably here for 4-6 months more.
It's good because it constantly forces you to re-evaluate all of your situations - move around your stuff; clean; organize, etc.
I guess I never really liked getting "too" comfortable in anything I do anyway (don't let the house owning fool ya... it sort of 'fit' with this change i'm moving through for the year) - which could either help or hinder, depending on how you look at things.
Now, because of change, I'm in a job that could very well be perfect for me.
Aside from having a hard time with the 8-5, I get to do photo shoots (working with my stepdad, whom I spent an hour with at Lunch listening to sweet sports photog stories) then spend hours in Photoshop making stuff look better, then redesigning an entire base for a company.
oooooh. The Power!
Es Muy Fun!
I think it's also another reason why I like Myspace.
I have friends contact me that I haven't spoken with for years, and I get to check in and see how things are flowing. Not only is it a good way for me to express all of my creative outlets, but it's a good reminder for me because among all of my desire for flee and flight, I forget the way things use to be sometimes...
I wonder if that's intentional?
Or if i'm just trying too damn hard to keep up with my life path...
This post had no point. more stream of consciousness.
Kind of like...
ooooh. space heater
my house is a mess...
my dog is sopping wet in the backyard...
i can't wait to do laundry and curl up in clean sheets.
this cut on my finger from making guacamole last night is a total bitch.
i bet i'm annoying everyone with the buzzing of the space heater.
i don't really care, because my legs are warm.
the guy that just walked in is really tall. and really huge!
i wonder how tall he is?
nothing interesting on the brain today.
i'm not stimulating all of the time.
tho i'd like to be...
like a big, fat, battery-charged vibrator.
p.s. how many of you want some chocolate now?
Man, it's a fun afternoon with Sami!!
Hell, i've never lived anywhere longer than a year since I turned 18 because I like to change up my surroundings ever-so-often.
Freshman Year: 7th Floor South; Sechrist Hall (1 week) - over to Mtn. View (Greek Dorm) for 5 hours (with all my stuff) - back to Sechrist (which is cool, because it was in Forrest Gump)
Sophomore Year: Shitty Apartment with Shitty Roomates... 6 months - Back Home for 8 months
Junior Year: North Morton Dorm - Haunted Floor with Cool ass Bitches
Senior Year: Apartment life with Suz (best year ever)
First Year on Own: Lakewood: nice apartment...
Second Year on Own: Highlands (love it) until March 06
Now: Owning a home... probably here for 4-6 months more.
It's good because it constantly forces you to re-evaluate all of your situations - move around your stuff; clean; organize, etc.
I guess I never really liked getting "too" comfortable in anything I do anyway (don't let the house owning fool ya... it sort of 'fit' with this change i'm moving through for the year) - which could either help or hinder, depending on how you look at things.
Now, because of change, I'm in a job that could very well be perfect for me.
Aside from having a hard time with the 8-5, I get to do photo shoots (working with my stepdad, whom I spent an hour with at Lunch listening to sweet sports photog stories) then spend hours in Photoshop making stuff look better, then redesigning an entire base for a company.
oooooh. The Power!
Es Muy Fun!
I think it's also another reason why I like Myspace.
I have friends contact me that I haven't spoken with for years, and I get to check in and see how things are flowing. Not only is it a good way for me to express all of my creative outlets, but it's a good reminder for me because among all of my desire for flee and flight, I forget the way things use to be sometimes...
I wonder if that's intentional?
Or if i'm just trying too damn hard to keep up with my life path...
This post had no point. more stream of consciousness.
Kind of like...
ooooh. space heater
my house is a mess...
my dog is sopping wet in the backyard...
i can't wait to do laundry and curl up in clean sheets.
this cut on my finger from making guacamole last night is a total bitch.
i bet i'm annoying everyone with the buzzing of the space heater.
i don't really care, because my legs are warm.
the guy that just walked in is really tall. and really huge!
i wonder how tall he is?
nothing interesting on the brain today.
i'm not stimulating all of the time.
tho i'd like to be...
like a big, fat, battery-charged vibrator.
p.s. how many of you want some chocolate now?
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