Monday, October 17, 2005


Isn't it interesting that you can call out "stop" anytime you want?

ON anything?

I mean, there's bad sex, the eating thing... your job, some girl walking across the street when the RED HAND IS FLASHING!!!! Of course... you don't Yell stop, you just keep driving and watch her yell at you as you speed away into traffic, nearly grazing her with your bumper.

Granted, it's not always completely up to you.

I often hear words coming out of my mouth that I wish I could stop. I sound too self-involved or insecurity screams through my comments --- and I hate that I can be so transparent. And just like anyone who hears me may think I"m trying to fool them, but I'm not. I hear it, too.

I wish I could say "STOP" to all of the things that I hate about myself. Random things, that I know I'm going to have to fix before I even have a shot in hell at settling up with someone (not that it's my ultimate goal, but it pretty much makes all the relationship stuff now a "moo" point).

I've been in this relationship which has been one/fifth fun beginning, two fifths headache and two more fifths laughing, gracing a pedastal while loved.

But the funny thing is, when I hear everyone comment about it, it makes me realize that I'm just as flawed. It's the little things... and when I see him act that way, I'm so disgusted and turned off... but disheartened because don't you attract people whom possess similar qualities as yourself?

In which case, i'm feeling pretty blah. There's the big heart, but impatient attitude. The raging insecurities that match mine on other levels. Maybe he expresses his frustrations out loud, but I think a lot of the same things. I think a lot of the time i even provoke the behavior just to start a confrontation and make him feel bad. Who's worse - or are we really a good match because of this?

I'll only say one more thing, and it's a Song that pretty much sums up how I feel about 45 % of th etime... Runs through my head a lot.

Matt Nathanson - Hold Me

Hold me
Save me from myself
I claim to be so righteous but I'm just like everyone else
I was judging you when I realized just how big a lie I lead
Hold me
I truly wish you could follow me in my walk through brilliance
But I've grown so much hollower and the paths have all grown dense
With vines of green, the color of envy
With vines of green, the color of jealousy
And it s funny but I hate it when you steal the spotlight from me
Hold me
I've no patience for hypocrites, I have no patience for fakes
I've no patience for those who make my same mistakes
So hold me


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