Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Questions... ANyone?

Can anyone tell me...

1.Why, when men 'walk' to get a sandwhich for lunch, do they throw their tie over their shoulder? Is it because they're affraid of getting a big sweat spot down the middle of their shirt?

Because now, the sweatspot is just going to be across their chest, shoulder and back.

Or is this just some fashion statement?

2. How could I be so enamoured with someone that looked like this when i was six:


3. What is the motivation for cleaning your house when you clean someone else's for a living? How do cleaning ladies do it? Seriously, you go home... sick of cleaning - and want to *fwomp* onto your couch. What is the motivation?

The only answer I can come up with, thus far: your mother is coming to visit.

4. What is the best method to flush **800 calories and 44 grams of fat from your system?

**This would not be so bad had it been consumed over the course of one, maybe two meals - but I scarfed this down in about 10 minutes while devouring a cupcake from Whole Foods Last Night. It wasn't until after it was already in my body that I realized how potent the calorie/fat ratio was. 800 CALORIES AND 44 GRAMS OF FAT!??!?!?!

5. I just took the "Which Laguna Beach Character Are You" quiz and was told that I'm Stephen. Does that mean I should have a Penis? Does it mean that I am a Lesbian? A Tomboy? Some girl that's really in touch with her masculine side? Or did the creator of this quiz just really blow it on the whole organization?

6. Is anyone interested in doing some web design for cheap $$/nothing at all? I've bought a domain and hosting, and while i'm clever with html/web management, I can't, for the life of me figure out how the bloody hell to start from complete scratch. mail me if you're into it.


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