Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Fatal Necking!

An unusual death as two giraffe males fight to the bitter end.

28 December 1999

On Monday the eleventh of December, two male giraffe were seen fighting on the clearing in front of Galago Camp by the resident ranger, Ephram. After a time one of the males broke away from the engagement and tried to escape further injury. He was immediately pursued by his attacker and knocked to the ground after a devastating blow to the neck. The fallen giraffe tried to get back onto his feet but was repeatedly knocked to the ground by his attacker.

After repeated attempts the fallen male managed to get to his feet and immediately tried to escape. Once again he was caught, attacked and knocked to the ground, where again he suffered a severe beating from the advancing male, who eventually killed him.

Such behaviour is very rare amongst giraffe. Males may often be seen sparring with one another but this seldom ends in a serious fight. Incidents such as these have been recorded in Namibia, where males have kicked other males to death, once they have been knocked to the ground. I have never heard of a male giraffe killing another by repeatedly beating it with its neck, until dead. The only reason I can think of such an encounter to turn deadly is there must have been a female in the area, which was in season. The attacking male was noticeably older than his deceased counterpart, as can be seen in the photographs taken of the two males, who looked to be coming into his prime. As giraffe do not show territorial behaviour, this is the only feasible reason I can think of for such a scenario.

Graham Cooke

And you thought i was talking about hickeys... didn't you! DIDN'T YOU!?!?


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