Thursday, December 09, 2004

You shook me all night long

So... since weekends = days off,
and days off usually = late nights
and late nights usually happen because you go on dates...

I'm now deciding to dedicate my Thursday evening post to love; whether it be akward, hilarious, heart-wrenching or go-throw-up-in-the-nearest-trash-can adorable.

Our first entry comes from a CRAIG'S LIST

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Date: Sun Oct 27 16:09:13 2002

last wednesday, at the bedford L stop. you were talking to that bald jerk, and then when he left, you asked me for a cigarette. you were wearing what looked like leg warmers on your arms. i suppose one would call those arm warmers. recall our conversation?

you: can i bum a cigarette? i'm sorry.

me: i have cigarettes?

you: well, you're smoking one.

me: oh right, in my pocket.

you: no, in your mouth.

me: ha, wait, are you funny or something?

you: yeah, but looks aren't everything.

me: hey, that's my joke.

you: property is theft.

me: hmm, this is not your average cigarette transaction.

you: most likely because you haven't given me a cigarette yet.

me: oh right, here. so is that your boyfriend?

you: no, he was just talking to me. he was friendly.

me: oh yes, a very friendly bald man.

you: what's that got to do with anything?

me: i don't trust the baldies. why are they even bald? i bet they blame their parents.

you: well thanks for the cigarette. i gotta go see a man about a horse.

me: ok.

maybe it was the light in your hair, or the fact that you actually walked up to the policeman who was riding a horse after saying that, or because i was more stoned then i've ever been in my life, but i kind of wanted you more than the doritos i had been thinking about for the past hour and a half.


in other news...i just got an ornament cut (as opposed to paper) on the inner-crease of my index finger. In the words of ET: "ooooowwwwchhhhhh."

i'm working on christmas cards tonight. hopefully i'm not the only one laughing at this one...

did you know that the length of your foot is the same as the length of your fore arm. My forearm is really huge... i wear an 11. it's part of god's devine measurement. something about... if you take this measurement of your body and divide it by this measurement, it always equals the same fraction. but isn't that more scientific than religious...?


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