Friday, November 26, 2004

Post-Turkey Wrap Up

Remember Oh's? I'm eating a giant bowl of them right now.

Unfortunately, I'm without keyboard on my computer, so I'm borrowing a friends for the moment, and for some reason, their computer doesn't want to let me post links/photos. Sorry, kids. I'll bring 'em in later...

I still have three whole days here at home. Yip yip. I think tonight i'm going with Oak and Tres to go sing karaoke. umm....hahahha. I usually just watch. I can never take it seriously.

We have game show network at home. Quality. I remember when they first formed the channel, they used to do call-in trivia contests with people from all over the United States. Mark Summers (hosts that candy show on the Food Network) and Mary-Anne Coran (I think she may be on CMT...) worked their charm, and gave away fabulous prizes if you beat your opponent (on national television). So funny, because i did this at... 15... under my mom's name. Won two times. Most people won trips, cash, maybe a sweet kitchen-aid (cool!). What did i win? An Oreck up-right 8lb vac, and a Central Vac System. Sweeet. (not).

Anywho --- I'm watching it right now... and am trying to compose a Top 5: Worst Game Shows Ever... that we thought were good, but really... just sucked royally.
5. The Dating Game - Unfortunately for Arnold Swartz-a-whatzit, he wasn't aware that this show was a collosal waste of time.
4. Whammy! - No Whammies! No whammies! No Whammies...! Really... No Whammies. Please.
3. Let's Make a Deal - Hello. People would dress up in ridiculous costumes just to choose Curtain Number 2 (the Donkey) over the tiny box (containing Three Grand). Though it was pretty interesting to watch audience member go insane over other people's choices, it was always really appauling for me to see what people had stashed in their purses for Monty Hall.
2. The Newlywed Game - Lame. We dont need to know where/how/when/why/how many times you made whoopie. Period.
1. The Love Connection - I seriously thought this show was hilarious when i was home during the summer to catch it on day-time television. Turns out it was just a television show for loser personals... "We'll be back in Two and Two!" Where's Chuck Whollery Now, huh? HUH?!

Now, Top 5 Game Shows They Should Start Syndicating (but probably won't):
5. What Would You Do?- haha. Kick-ass Nickelodeon kids Game Shows. Double Dare was cool, but WWYD (not WWJD) had the pie slide...oh yeah... and Mark Summers!
4. The New Match Game - I love, love the old-school with Charles Nelson Riley and Brett Butler, but the new one had the HUGE spinny wheel and 80s scratch that... early-90s hair. Even Better!
3. Password Plus - They used to have this... but, they knocked out all the oldies with new-age crap... i.e. The New Whammy!,
2.Scrabble - But probably because there were such soft 80s hues (electric pink and blue) and I'm a scramble/crossword freak.
1.Concentration - With Alex Trebec, actual skill involved, and a puzzle concept, this show ruled!

If you think my knowledge on Game Shows is Sad, you should see the channel I used to watch in 7th grade. The BINGO CHANNEL. Saucy spanish music Interlude - Pause - O52 - Dee dee dee dee doo dahhh....

BTW... Happy Birthday Pfiefle! Oranga says, Nerrrrrr!!!


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