Monday, December 20, 2004


Ahhh...Christmas. The wonderful time of year for those of use who are no longer 12 and under are left to our own demise to create and purchase presents for those we love... all the while stressing about getting it all done at once.

I tend to get a bit crafty... i.e. i turn into a teeny, tiny 60-year-old woman and crochet scarves for my peeps. last year, i finally learned why all of those elderly women had curved backs... because they're knitting fucking scarves/blankets/sweaters for their family. for the love of god... buy her a chiropractic plan for the holidays...

but what i did have fun with making today was this...


the real deal, kick ass, best tasting truffles/chocolate you'll ever have cross your lips in this lifetime. Pretty easy to make... and messy, which means they'll be delish. The cooking part is really fast and requires little brain power.. .it's the whole rolling proccess that's time consuming:

Step 1:
Setting out all the shtuff you need: an arial view of the sprinkles, my tree plant, remote, blender, and... ziploc tuperware. WAOOHOO!:

Step 2:

Arrow 1 = Truffle Mix
Arrow 2 = Powdered sugar because it's sticky (sort of like the flour and cookie phenomenon)
Arrow 3: The finished project (you'll probably have to squint)

Step 3:

The whole, messy ordeal. generally, the handwashing comes with rolling every four truffles or so. I think i made around 100 today.

Interesting. I've turned into Julia Child. And... an incredibly boring person.

Pop Culture Shift:

I've been rockin the Songs for Jane CD for about two years now... and upon seeing some live tv appearances by the boys in M5, i've noticed Ryan has gone missing. Not sure where he is?

Here's my theory.
Anyone caught even a glimpse of this season's Real World: Philidelphia?
Let's compare...
ok... we can't because i can't find a non-flash photo of WILLIE from the Real World, but they look ironically similar.

Tho... Ryan is just the most strikingly beautiful man i've ever seen up close... has really sweet manners and disposition as well. rawr! me gusta.

on another note... the further this ashlee simpson fame stuff goes, the funnier and more entertaining it gets. need a reality show? there it is... disfunction at it's finest. have you ever seen such a blatant attempt of one person having to prove one million times over how much she needs to have the same fame as her older sibling, who did it all first... but making sure to do it all in an exact opposite manner? Ex: not pop; punk --- not blonde; brunette, not able to sing; able to miss a key by leaps and bounds... "I'm not doing this to set myself apart from my sister" my ass. btw jessica... i thot you were all super-christian and doing all of this singing business for god because some Zepher touched your hair when you were 15. What the...? I'm not a huge expert on god and his opinions, but do you really think he'd advice you to dumb yourself up to the entire television public so you can earn mtv a few extra mil? not likely.

also hit up ma's house tonight for an xmas dinner, which included me eating really good food and drinking 6+ glasses of whine. wowzers.

that's all i got... check the theory tho!


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