Monday, October 11, 2004

Blame it on my youth

i think this may have to be my wedding song i dance to someday hahaha. hot.

i am so content right now... the most i've been in say... a long while :) it feels very nice. i'm sure part of that can be credited to having spent my entire day with my aunt, uncle and 3-year-old cousin annie b. i love kids. i love how they just do what's in thier heart and dont give anything a second thought. they're so unconditional. i wish i could be more like that -

we ran down Market going "RAWR!" like monsters the whole way home. it even attracted a few fairly-attractive passersby ha. :-)

I'm also super exhausted from the concert last nite, then getting up for breakfast at 8:30. i'm about to crash (for as long as i damn well please) and i think i get to go up driving into the mountains tomorrow. yae! company.

i have to fill in about the jamie cullum concert soon --- as well as jake shimabukuro - ukulele extrordinaire. other than that --- i'm going to bed appeased, unbitter and... most in-store for some very pleasant dreams...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah JC and Jake the snake did put on a good show! I've never see the ukelele rock soo much! I have company also and they didn't know Jamie CUllum and they were blown away, he did rock, the little elf!

12:01 PM  
Blogger Sami Jo said...

Were you there? And you know me... why didn't you say, hello, rockstar!?

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you??? Oh it's like that now! haha Well actually I was at the far wall by the stairs to Above the dove....I was with my company and they probably would've been completely wierded out if I'd come to the front of the stage and talked to some girl....but I did see Jamie jump over your head, didn't know that was you...but now I have to ask, was that planned? or did you just put your head in harms way!???

7:18 AM  
Blogger Sami Jo said...

I was no part of the plan...but Jamie, i'm sure, knew he was going to do it. Before he jumped he looked at me like... uhh... you best duck so i don't hurt you --- then looked at his band and was like "i hope i don't kick this girl" haha. great seat! my butt got sore tho... but i love being in the middle of the action!

1:57 PM  

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