Sunday, October 03, 2004

Dad is So GREAT!

He made us chocolate cake!

great great great great great!

Actually, i made the cake. And it's Devil's food, not chocolate... and it has white frosting. Ohgarrrggrrr ...

These are currently random things that i'm thinking about:

* Jodie Sweetin went through one-hell-of-an akward teenage stage.
* That jazzy segway music on Full House is realllly tacky.
* Why do only old guys with names like, "Gus" hit on me? It only make me think of the chubby house mouse on Cinderella. "Uhhh.. Guth guth! Thinder-elleee!"
* Ever notice how there are more bi-sexual women than men?
* Where the $*#@ is my BRA?!
* I am allergic to cigarette smoke! Massive headache tonite (again, per my body's usual routine) from the bar. I should probably move to California...
* Alternate names for every-day objects:

Dryer = Closet
Chair = Place to put my clothes
Couch = Bed
Desk = Dinner Table
Shower = Studio 54

and...i'm out...

I"m nominal. problems solved, so i'm just enjoyin' a phat piece of cake with ice-cold milk... trying not to get too overwhelmed on all of the writing projects. i feel so uninteresting today.

I guess no news is good news...

for now.

p.s. is this being read? i have no bloody idea...


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