Monday, April 18, 2005

Why you've got to love Matt Nathanson

Because he's fucking hilarious. That's why.

and because he's been updating his journal like ca-razy.

and matty's coming to the Paramount Theater. Tomorrow Night with Tori Amos. Tickets are steep [$50], so i guess, i'll say... if you're a Tori fan, and have never heard of Matty Nay... watch the fuck out!

[i'm only going because i'm helping with merch. so if you come... say hi. i'll be the girl forcing matt apparrel on your ass, and breasts and... the like].

so, for your reading pleasure... another matty journal. you can read more here if you so choose.

atlanta, GA
celebrity fit club.

i have never eaten this much food on tour in my life.
at this rate, by the end of tour, there will be 2 entire me's traveling in the same me.
it's only the second day and i am completely overwhelmed by tori catering.
they do breakfast, lunch and dinner... most of it is organic.
kerry and i have started to plan our entire days around the feeding schedule.
like zombie cattle.
and when you get in to the 'feeding area', there is just way too much good shit to choose from.
our zombie cow brains can't handle it...
so we just eat and eat until we get sick or pass out.
today we tried to make it past the cookie tray, but i'm pretty sure the cookies actually called out our names.
and how can anyone say no to a talking cookie?

my mom has a cat who has no comprehension when she is full... her name is hobbes.
she also has some sort of kitty herpes, that makes her eyes water and makes her projectile sneeze green snot...but that's a story for another time.

anyway, when i lived at home, hobbes would eat all of her food, then move on to our other cat's (studley) food.
then she would whine for more.
i'm pretty sure she would have eaten herself to death with unlimited, unsupervised food access.
studley was not super down with the whole thing and would freak out everytime she would come near him and his food.
and he would growl like an angry racoon.
or like kerry, when he snores.
it got to the point where we had to feed studley first, and keep hobbes locked in a bedroom til he was finished.
at the rate we're going, kerry and i will have to be in fat kid lock down in our dressing room until all the other folks get their food.
it's that bad..
and people will start calling me the 'round' john mayer.

and i won't even mention the food that we get post show, that's supposed to be for back at the hotel.
they call it 'after show' food..
i like to call it 'can't see my man parts in the shower by the end of the tour, not cause they're particularly small, but because i'm shaped like a weeble' food.
rachel ray, look out.
new food network show 'fat singer kid'.

tons of fun,


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