Friday, April 15, 2005

I've been Thinkin' about those things you said...

Handsome Boy Rocks.

And so do all the rowdy bitches at Benders blastin' out Karaoke last night...

I admit a Rocky horror Karaoke Show would be fun... Scary...but Fun.

I had an clausto-emo break down last night. Not very comfortable when you are meeting someone for the first time and with your boss. I'm sure i made a sweet impression.

I felt suffocated though. And I had to leave... so i did... crying on my way out.

what the fuck is wrong with me...seriously?

I used to do this with the ex, but it was only because other girls were around and i couldn't handle seeing it. Last nite was just my gross deal.

And it was gross.

I"ve finally solved the riddle as to why i keep dating musicians... and the reasons are Three Fold.

1. they're hot/charasmatic/magnetic [duh...]
2. because why would i have to focus on my own baggage/bullshit when i can focus on theirs?
3. because despite reason #2... it seems they're the only man-oh-war creatures out there that seem to understand my moodyness.

I mean... there are three types of people, really...

-The ones who successfully date all of the time; are good at the games, and don't get hung up on stupid bullshit [i'm striving for this one sometime in the next year or so...].

- The ones that shut out all people completely because they are either:
a. severely hurt from a deushbag
b. severely uptight and expect perfection from a significant other that is just not humanly possible
c. have questionable genetalia, a 'tail' or some other bizarre body point that doesn't warrant said person giving an explanation.

Or...The Third Category

These people keep an open heart and mind. They date. They're always welcome to an opportunity, should it come along.
But they only let in an opportunity that will continue to harbor these said 'issues' that everyone has.
We know this.
And we do it anyway.
But we an opportunity for learning out of the experiencel, unlike Category TWO people that just shut the world out completely.

I'm hoping this will eventually create movement into Category ONE.

That being said...

I have a semi-sort-of-a new crush.

He isa musician.

[sidenote:]: Who would love to see a deaf translator at an livestock Auction??
Haha... I would.


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