Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I believe this is what they call, "Beet Red"

It really works.

I called about 18 of the 25 studios yesterday who hadn't paid rent and recieved eight rent checks within the coarse of two hours.


Yesterday was ca-Razy.

Good crazy.

The most hilarious point was a slice of time i was sitting at my boss's desk working on accounting stuff. He was on his phone and bent down to pick up something he had dropped by the chair. I heard a loud "thud," glanced over quickly and saw his face change from white to a nice chartruese color in well under half a second.

He had hit his head on the way down, then screamed "FUCK!" at the top of his whispering lungs [because he was on the phone with a client]. He threw his fist in the air with vengeance.

I sat snickering. Kind of like when you're in church and aren't supposed to be laughing, but the fact that you can't, but really need to makes it all the more hilarious.

I couldn't stop thinking about how funny it would have been to have had my video phone so i could have shown all of you this lovely accurance. I was laughing well into last night about it, because never have i seen someones face turn so purple so quickly.


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