Tuesday, May 30, 2006

hooray for boobies

everytime i go to denver, i get too wrapped up in current events to have the self-dicipline to leave at a reasonable hour, leaving me enough time when I get home to unpack, clean, and settle on in with a good night's rest.

everytime i do this.

and everytime i come home, i dread pulling into my driveway at 3am or later... only to wake up at 7:30am with no voice, no sunshinee attitude, and no willingness to straighten up my home, clean up cat puke or mop/vacuum, clean the damn cat box.

i know i'm just grouchy and need some rest... but it's easier for me to rest when everything is in it's place and clean, and set up the way I like it.

So rather than go home and crash immediately tonight, I"m probably going to be completely absurd and go on a cleaning binge... finishing around 8 --- oh! enough time to go visit my favorite little chubby buddy, friends and take a little ride on my scooty boot.

then still go to bed too late.

i guess it's time i hire a house boy.
i.e. he needs to clean, wash my sheets, clean up animal shit, do my dishes, fold my clothes, place them in color order in my closet... make my bed, wash my floors, kitchen...etc.

oh yeah. i think i need to repaint my kitchen.
i had someone tea stain it and i'm... not a fan. it looks like someone just put dirt all over the walls.

so while i appreciate the suggestion... i don't appreciate how it looks.
i'm thinking of perhaps going sagee green.

i said it.


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