Friday, March 18, 2005

Love is Real

but the status of my life's love and work is not.

anyone else have the 'syndrome' where when you're at HOME... with the parents... you specifically do things with the idea in mind of what their reaction will be?

i.e. how can i clean something/take steps in organizing/arrange so-and-so so that i don't have to hear them harp on me for not doing it a different way [i.e. their way?

not really expecting a positive feedback thing... just planning for possible negative reactions?

that's kind of how i've been operating at work. except that my boss isn't as positive as my mom... and i usually end up doing things about three or four times anyway...and still get pointed toward 'hey - you missed this' at end product.


pretty grouchy today.

ya'all should know that the chris in yesterday's post is not chris, the hot project... but some total stranger i've never corresponded with, ever.

i think suzianno was confused.

so... who do i book. Who... do... i boook for two weeks from now...? Atlas? um... who else in denver would draw great in a reasonably short time.

little help?

i am so fucking bloated today...


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