Saturday, November 13, 2004

Suburban Charm

I've fallen into the abyss that is rapid city, sd.

(dinosaur hill) hahahahaha

interestingly enough, after four years of being away at
college, and now, four months on my own living in denver, 'home,' is for the first time, coming across as strange and completely different.

it's not so much the homestead. home will always be home. i will always love disapearing from my routine, sans computer and phone to spend entire days with family. i'll even get up at six a.m. to go running and kickbox (like tomorrow), stay up until three am talking with my
brother/best girlfriend/aunt out at 'the castle,' and then get up early the next day and do it all over again.

i don't even think it's the huge vs. small town epidemic...and i'm totally not knocking my hometown, because i love it to pieces and will defend it until the ends of the earth if anyone unneccessarily insults the
black hills...maybe it's been the four months totally solo (virtually no companions/regular aquaintances). i suppose anyone who has traveled abroad by themselves could testify to this phenomenon and shift in persona...

being around, to say the least... surreal. people's the high school girls that are 'trying' to look all hip but missed the clothing curb by four months...not that i'm fashionista expert and living in a big city does not, by any means, equal expertise on knowing whether or not a style is 'in' or not... but even the way businesses here operate... construction...people's attitudes/composures...the entire feel of the town is different. but i'd guess it's not rapid, it's me that's changed...i'm actually different, which is somewhat depressing knowing that it took nearly five years to shift me into another plane of thot/being despite being away for so long... but kind of nice that i can recognize the change through the external things around me.

the important things are still strongly in tact (and i still really want to migrate back here some day *i think* to raise family and be near family)... but wierd. just weird (pick your spelling). has anyone else experienced this phenomenon thus far in their lives? I'd like some insight...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dinasour Hill!!! My fav part of RC when a kid!!

Anyway I can say without a doubt that I, and all of my friends who have moved away from our small town, and then revist it after sometime find it strange, mostly a good strange though. I can say that my feelings toward my hometown have changed everytime I've moved someplace diffferent, whenever I make it back I find something new that I enjoy, basically something that the "outside" world has opened my eyes to how great that little town is. I don't think I've changed all that much, but definitly experiences make me look at things differntly and I think that's what causes the "different" appreance of a hometown.

Just my thoughts, like I said I've been there about 4 differents times, all different feelings


9:41 AM  

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