Friday, February 18, 2005


Amidst my sick haze on twos-day...i rented some flicks at Blockbuster. It's beyond me why i still pay $30/month to come and go as i please with a three movie max when there's Netflix for $17.99, but a girls gotta waste her money somehow, i suppose...

Anyway... Among my selections:

Saw (18-days of production yielded a pretty decent psycho-thriller...not as great as se7en, but not to shabby).

Taxi (i.e. Queen Latifah and Mr. fallon dance around in a cab after Supermodels... i think? haven't seen it yet...)

Bullshit; Season 2 - Volume 1:

Death, Inc.
The Bible
Exercise vs. Genetics

When i first met this guy, we camped out on the couch for a night and watched a few episodes of this Showtime shtuff while conversing... so i decided it'd be good to get most of the time when i get a chance to watch some film, i'm too tired to finish it, and a 1/2 hour-short seems fitting.

this particular show is sort of a daily show of collective crap. You believe in this? Psshh... you're on crack... and here are scientific reasons and testimonials as to why. i've always appreciated satire...and even more so when it makes people doubt their very morals and beliefs.

Wednesday = Hypnosis
(You, too can be hypnotized into making your penis bigger and revisting memories of being born between your mothers thigs). -- this was actually semi-cool because a portion of the material was taken from a hypnotist show done at NAU while i was at school there...

12-stepping? Apparently, AA is religion-based and punishing yourself and appologizing profusely to "GOD" (whether that be a rock or the almighty) is the only way to cure this 'disease'?

From being around a recovered alcoholic lately, i'm beginning to understand why he does certain things, and is the way he is... It has also been making me wonder if i should bring up, "hey... i saw this thing about your thing and did you know..." or if i'd be stepping on way too many toes and shattering something that this person has stablized themselves upon for the last year. Not that i'm saying Penn and Teller's Bullshit! sold me on the idea, but it's enough to make you question the actions behind '12-stepping.'

probably better not.

I watched Exercise vs. Genetics twice, mostly because i was on the phone the first time... partly because, well... isn't everyone sort of body-obsessed? Just proved what i've thought all along... Gotta work with what ya got, hos! WORK IT ALREADY! (Like Marylin, Dammit. She wasn't perfect)

Last nite, i tried to watch the shpiel on the bible, but was too involved in Yoga (which, by the way, is another topic on a second volume) and relaxed to totally pay attention... but what i had heard made sense. My grandmother would be so proud.


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