Monday, January 17, 2005


In an effort to make you (and by you, i mean all of you who read this mutha and never, ever comment!), i've delved into one of my journal's from a few years back (three, now) and pulled out a disgusting, yet, pretty funny (to me and emily) entry made on Valentines Day of 2002.

What prompted this?

I'm glad you asked!

My reasons are three-fold:

1. Despite having two full-on surgeries, which require a numbing shot just before surgery with a needle the size of a small pen containing liquid thick as egg-yolk, heavy doeses of vicodin and other pain killers, and clown-toe bandages, to rip the inch long (+) nail root out of my big toe to prevent the ingrown toenail (did you know the root of your nail goes WAY into your actual toe? creeps the ba-jesus out of me), i still had problems with one of them this weekend. Sure hurts a lot less, but is still a horribly messy debacle.

2. That really grody commercial where that fungus thing LIFTS up the toenail like it's on hinges and crawls underneath (side-show bob shudder). WHY!? WHY would you show that!??!?

3. I've been thinking about all of the gross things people do but never really talk about a lot lately (i.e. butt cheese)... mostly due to a few people i hang out with on a regular basis... and i thought this would be a great opportunity to showcase said issue.

2/14/02 Valentines Day

11:12 AM: Mmmmm. Sugary bottom of the covienience store hot chocolate.
I still somewhat love hot chocolate, but i'm beginning to associate its taste with that horrendous case of ingrown toenail I had shortly after Thanxgiving. That was seriously one of the worst pains I have ever felt in my life (that i can recall). And the fact that I couldn't do anything about it, but let it sit there and be infected. And I had to walk on it everywhere, and I'd always somehow get stepped on or stub it harshly on the hardest possible substance in my vascinity.

Then I'd soak it forever, til' it was pink and crawl in bed, only to have the numbing of the hot water wear off, making it impossible for me to sleep.

I'd wear socks and all i could think about was how warm it was down there and how the small piece of fabric covering my left foot was harboring a million and one bacteria that should be working at healing my toe... but in my mind, was only making it worse.

Then there was the whole "Neosporin" episode where I applied a mastcistical amount at Sara's apartment before I left town, only to discover when I arrived in Denver that the Neosporin had actually grown into new skin (sideshow bob shudder) <--- ha. still use that.

Creepy. That shouldn't happen. I have no idea why I felt the need to write that whole disgusting discriptive about "My Left Toe" but good god! I mentioned hot chocolate, and all that other info came to mind.

On another "gross" note... my boss (who, without my knowledge, had apparently decided it was 'pick on sami' day today) told me i look like stevie nicks when she was young.

Me: "Gross. That's not nice."
Boss: "Yuh-huh! She was HOT!"

I must note that i was really defensive/touchy all day (not sure why...). but Soooo glad my mom didn't name me Stephanie... had she done so, i'd be called Stevie today...
that'd be awwwesome. to each his own tho... i've heard some wild comparrisons in the last few days (kirsten dunst, maggie gyllenhaul, stevie and that chick from punch drunk love). i have concluded that everyone is on crack. i look like SAMI!!!!


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